I'm listening to Rosie Thomas once again, as John makes our lunches. I really love it when he makes our lunches. In the afternoons, I sit down to eat what his little hands have crafted, and I feel close to him and lucky to be married to such a wonderful guy! I'm not allowed to wear my wedding ring at work, which makes me really sad. We had even talked about buying me a wedding band (you can wear rings as long as they don't have any diamonds, etc in them, or if you are sure they will never fall off). I know it wouldn't be the same as my engagement-wedding ring (we used the same for both purposes because our engagement rings were so special to us), but we would have a little ceremony for the new ring. It would be cute, and then I could wear my ring.
I am so glad it is Friday. I don't really have any big weekend plans. I'd like to clean the house tomorrow. Tonight I think we're going to finally see Devil's Rejects. Last weekend, we really did mean to go. We had even rented House of 1000 Corpses. We were just too tired to go. So I think we're going tonight.