Sunday, July 31, 2005
  too late, it's time
John is STILL sleeping! It's 11:00 now. I know it's the weekend and all, but jeepers creepers. I did climb back into bed for awhile myself, maybe about 30 minutes. But the day is calling me! It's warm and sunny and the last day left before we are all found counting down the days for the exact same spot we're in now (aka: a weekend!)

In my time of solitude, I took some more pictures and downloaded a few more from the last month or so. I just love pictures. They make everything seem so much more real. I don't really know where to start, because all of these pictures are from different times and different occasions. I like to keep things common and flowing and organized, so this post might be harder to compose than it will seem after the fact. Oh my.

The first series of Pictures
last weekend of June 05

Events: SauerKraut Days/The Band has a show/Parents are in town

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One sunny morning, my mom was found doing some non-strenuous Yoga/Meditation moves on my dining room floor. The day prior, I had purchased a lovely authentic ragdoll. Only this ragdoll has a catch: it's actually a Goat Doll. Yes, a goat doll. It has a goat head and goat hoofs but it's shaped like a human and wears a dress. My mom thought it was the most ugly thing ever, but the Goat Doll actually loves my mom to pieces and wanted to join her in her new aged endeavors.

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After the parade of dancing sauerkrauts and small-town Miss [insert town name here] floats, we headed south-west to a small historical site where my husband's band just so happened to be having a show. The weather was hot and consuming. My parents getting ready to leave. Mom got really sick from the sun that afternoon.

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Here we see John and Craig, singin' and a playin'.

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Josh is off to the side, strumming a kick-ass guitar lick or two over the folky chord changes.

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And here's Jeremy, the newest member of the gang. He's just learned the bass, but he is really good and fits right in with the Boys.

The second series of Pictures*
Forth of July weekend, 05

Events: Lake Superior/Kitten/John and Melissa are in town
*some other pictures from this series can be found here

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Once a cutie, always a cutie. Little Johar, my parents' cat, has a mind of his own, but a snuggly heart.

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I wrote a song for piano called "Husband at the Beach" long before this photo was taken. Now that I think about it, this picture would most definately go on the cover of the sheet music. John on a sandy beach of Lake Superior.

The last series of Pictures*
Middle of July/Today

Events: Kitten Trial at New House/Kitchen/Sammie

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First off, here is me today, about an hour ago. I'm still unshowered and wearing the same sleep shirt, so this is basically yours truly, as she writes this entry and posts these pictures. :)

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My Precious, one sunny afternoon. Note his new little glasses!

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His big smile probably came from the fact that he had two little kittens crawling all over him...oh little dear-hearts. I want them here again, but I don't know if I should adopt them or not, or if they should stay out in the wild with their mommy.

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The kitchen before...white, same as the rest of the house.

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And after. The kitchen is a vibrant yellow with butterfly curtains. Note our same little stove, only much happier. It cooks a lot better because it's a gas stove, and the connections/pressure is much better here, just so ya know.

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Me again, today, soaking up the sun and high-fiving my shadow. Or not. As my back was turned to the patio, I heard little whimpers from behind me. Samantha!

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Don't forget about me! I look all pretty now that my winter furs are almost completely gone! Seriously though, I think Sammie really likes her fenced in back yard. She never has to be tied up anymore!

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This ain't gonna work...tight squeeze silly Mommy! Oh Sam, ha HA!

Well, there are some more pictures. Now we should be all up to date, and I can post regularly as the events allow. :-) I think I so needed to do this (consolidate diaries!)

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old diary. had to abandon because of morning sickness (go figure)!

My Photo
Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm in the process of figuring out myself and my life.

July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / May 2006 /

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