add some colors
After having a mostly all-white layouts, something begins to nag at me. Although I like the crispness, the lack of clutter, something still feels like it's missing...and that's color. To remedy this, I need to post MORE pictures! This weekend, I'll be able to take a lot. John and I are going on a little field trip to visit Indian petroglyphs! It's about an hour and a half away, and I've never been to this area of the state, so I'll have a bunch of new things to post and see. Thank goodness tomorrow is Thursday. This week, for as dull as it's been work-wise for me, has actually gone by really fast.
Brownie is still being a good girl! I'm so proud of her for catching on so quickly. She really is super-smart (and super-cute!)
I always connect my camera to the computer and come across other pictures I had skipped over. I have about 200 pictures on my camera, but I only choose 5-10 at a time. Here's a picture of a life saver, from out at Lake Superior during the 4th of July weekend we spent with my folks.

Next is a series of Brownie-pictures. One thing I noticed, is that it's really hard to take pictures of her. She's so dark, that, without the flash, one can barely see her, and, with the flash, her fur reflects the light, so she looks kind of scary. I'll figure it out one of these days!
Brownie playing with her pink jingle ball.
Which, makes her very sleepy.
"I'm very sleepy...I really like to look at people, though."
John now has a permanant ball of fur on his shoulder.Goodnight, everyone. It's 11:30...way past my bed time...