Friday, August 19, 2005
  oh my...
I have tears streaming down my face, yet I'm not sad. I am so happy and cousin and her husband had their baby yesterday, and my Dad just sent me pictures from the hospital. The baby is the cutest in the whole world. He has so much brown hair and the cutest little face. I just think about me and my cousin so many years ago. She is about 7 years older than me, and I can remember being so little and sitting by her in church and copying her every move. I would get her hand-me-downs and just die! So when I saw her smiling picture, next to her husband, holding their baby, it was just so REAL it was unreal, and I just think they are ALL the cutest in the world! I'm so proud of them, and once again, I'm just dying for the chance to be like her. I can't wait until I can hold a little bundle just like their son....only my own! :-)

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the new family!

What else has been going on? Actually, a lot. Yesterday, I got to go into work at 7:00 a.m., so I was able to come home at 3:00! That was nice! You'll never guess what I did after work! I went to my co-worker's sex-toy party. yeah! Me. Ha, ha. I just found it necessary to get out there and socialize with some of my work people, since I really don't talk a whole lot at work. The one lady who is training me, well, I don't think she cares for me all that much. She said some rude things at the party, but I think it's just because she and her husband got divorced less than a year was a reference to John dropping me off/picking me up. Oh well. I don't care. I'm proud of our close relationship! :-) I didn't buy anything too dangerous at the party, although I saw/held some things I never had before. Haha...I did get some edible strawberry stuff, some dice, and massage oil. It warms up when you rub it, and gets hott when you breathe on it. Hehehehe...

I still haven't been feeling like myself. I can't eat a THING. It's terrible. Today, I scrambled three eggs for breakfast, and I forced myself to eat half of them. I felt like puking. At lunch, I could only eat my sandwich...barely! The whole afternoon, my stomach felt like one big empty pit, but any thoughts of food made my stomach curl. Oh yeah, and me, Mrs. 2 Nalgene bottles of water a day.....yeah, try 1/4 a day. It's terrible. My tongue is always white, but I can't drink! One morning I sat on the bed and drank a glass of water, and then, I threw it up 10 minutes later (just water and was gross, but not as gross as it could have been. I haven't thrown up since 5th grade, so I KNOW something is wrong!) Whenever I think about wet kittens or kittens in general, I just want to run to the bathroom. It's terrible. :( If it is indeed so that I could be, well, pregnant (and believe me, I'm hoping more than there are stars in the skies), I am going to buy a test this weekend. If it says YES, I will fly around the moon and back and then to the doctor's, and, if it says no, I will be sad and call the OB-GYN department and say:

I HAVEN'T had a period since MAY, and I've had PMS for a month now, and this last week I've been eating less than a 2 year-old's serving size of food, the smell of my house makes me want to puke, and I haven't taken my herbal pill since we've moved, so recheck my blood and my hormone levels and tell me what's going on!

Other than that, my hubby is at band practice. It's probaby a good night for him to be gone, since I woke up at 5:30 for work. And then went to work...and then unexpectedly worked at 10 hour day. Oh, I mean a 10 hour-10 minute day. It was crazy...but I guess the extra 2 hours won't hurt any since I missed the entirety of Monday.

Good music alert...any Pedro the Lion fans out there? I found the Pedro guy's newest project called "Headphones" last weekend. It's almost Pedro the Lion but they use tons more keyboards, actually, only keyboards and drums. It's awesome. I like Pedro better, but this is definately "second best". hahaha...

I so need to get my record player set up. I miss that..."I can learn to live with this!" la de da!! (me singing). I think I'm delerious. It's bed time. Bye everyone.

ps: isn't the baby the CUTEST?????

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Location: Minnesota, United States

I'm in the process of figuring out myself and my life.

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