Tuesday, August 02, 2005
stolen from Evil D!

Last Cigarette: I have never had a cigarette in my life. To be fair, about a year ago, I had a small puff or two of a cigar. It was actually not bad, and I wanted more as John ran it under the faucet to burn it out.

Last Alcoholic Drink: Wine. John and I were visiting the vineyard, and he had a glass of their specialty wine. I helped myself to a few sips. I am not much of a drinker.

Last Good Cry: Last night when I got home from work. I cried into a pillow to help myself feel better.

Last Movie Seen in Theaters: Devil's Rejects. It was amazing, and I would see it a million more times.

Last Movie Rented: John and I rented a film "the Jacket," which we will be viewing later on tonight, while eating spagetti. MMM!

Last Cuss Word Uttered: I like Evil D.'s theory on this one! However, I think my last cuss word was probably...hell or shit or something. I don't recall. I know I said "Fuck" a lot at work yesterday (quietly to myself) and when I quoted Devil's Rejects with "Tootie Fuckin' Fruitie." I swear a lot more than I ever did before.

Last Beverage Drank: Water. I keep my Nalgene in the fridge of the break room, and, after I punched out, I raced to the icebox and drank, drank, drank. It is so hot outside.

Last Food Consumed: Well, the last meal I had was: a mustard/cheese sandwich, blueberries, carrot chips, and Ritz Crackers. Item-wise, it was the Ritz crackers.

Last Crush: John.

Last Time Showered: 6:25, after work to get carmel and sweat off of self.

Last Phone Call: Hmmmm...this is tough. I might have to say Sunday afternoon, when I called my mom.

Last TV Show Watched: The Simpsons in on now, but I'm not watching. Last night, I fell asleep during Family Guy, so that would have to be the winner, fair and square.

Last Shoes Worn: An old, old pair of Nike sandles. I think I got them when I was 16.

Last CD Bought: We bought three all together: Rosie Thomas, M. Ward, and Ida.

Last Annoyance: Work, I guess.

Last Disappointment: Having to do something at work that took more time than expected, so I couldn't do the thing I had planned on doing.

Last Thing Written: Stuff at work.

Last Words Spoken: "ok," to John, but I forgot what it was even about, and it only happened a minute ago. I am so brain dead, it's not even funny.

Last Sleep: My last sleep was from 9:20pm - 7:20am.

Last IM: Julie! and I got to IM this weekend!

Last Weird Encounter: I guess it would have to be this morning when we were talking about someone's last name (that we did not know), and then two seconds later, someone called on the phone and asked what the person's last name was.

Last Ice Cream Eaten: Those vanilla sundae chocolate-lined cones from the Schwan's Man.

Last Time in Love: NOW now now now!

Last Time Hugged: little snuggle-hugs when I got home from work.

Last Chair Sat In: This one in the computer room. It's brown and wooden.

Last Shirt Worn: White T-shirt with red lettering.

Last Webpage Visited: blogger

Last Thing Lost: I "lost" my keys yesterday; they were in my bag, but I never put them there, so it was the last place I looked.

Last Regret: Dinner's ready, but instead I'm finishing this survey!

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old diary. had to abandon because of morning sickness (go figure)!

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Location: Minnesota, United States

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