I have to be VERY quick here. I spent 1/2 of my 15 minute breakfast-time throwing up, so, now I must hurry and eat and type!
Let's just say, some scary things happened at work, which made me rather upset, but now I have it under control (bad chemicals for baby).
I promise I will write more later. First, some fast details on my Dr.'s visit!
I got an ultrasound! John was in there with me, and the doctor found the baby! He was able to measure him/her, and found that I am 8 weeks along! Tuesday will make it 9!
We saw the little baby and even got to see its heart beating. It was a feeling like no other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We even got a picture! I really have to go - I just wanted to say that everything is OK, and I'm still excited but sick but happier than ever! And today we leave to visit my parents!!