Kit-Kit Knits
I'm not sure if I mentioned it yet or not, but John and I are taking a knitting class (Yes, BOTH John and I!) It's 4 Thursdays of knitting fun. We've been to two classes so far. We're learning to make a hat - in just a little bit, we have to do some serious knitting because by Thursday, we need to have 6 1/2 inches of knitting done. Right now I'm at about 1 or 2, and John's at nothing! So...we have to get going!!
It's going to be hard to knit because #1., I'm already very tired, and mostly #2. My doctor's appointment was today, and I am still so excited and happy!
When I first got there they, of course, took down my weight and blood pressure. I didn't gain or loose any weight; I stayed the same. Then they called John and I back to the little room, where we waited for the doctor. I got to keep my clothes on this time (Yay!), so I just jumped up on the little table, and he did some measuring and then went at it with the little heart-doppler thing. Sadly, he couldn't find a heartbeat! :( I was really concerned, but then he brought in the ultrasound machine (Yay!) and the minute, I mean the
minute he put the little deal on my tummy, there was Baby!
And my oh my was the baby different from the last visit! He didn't have to zoom in at all, and we had little scrawny legs and arms and fingers and the proportions were just like that of a little BABY!!! The most fascinating thing of all was that the arms and legs were moving around SO FAST, up and down and Baby was spinning around in little circles. We could see the heart beating and even see tiny little ribs. There was a tiny little nose, and John even saw the baby's mouth open! I couldn't believe it! The doctor just laughed and said he probaby couldn't hear the heartbeat because the baby wasn't sitting still long enough! Hehehe....I'm still a little worried, but I am sure if there was something wrong, the doctor would have said and the baby wouldn't have been looking so happy and silly and having such a great time!!!! And to believe I can't even feel any of this!! :-)
I didn't get a picture this time, but I will never in my life forget what I got to see today...never.
Home Not Alone!
John's out at an interview tonight. His band is being featured in the magazine he works for, so they all decided to meet at the coffee shop to be interviewed by the article's author. I debated going along, but I was just too tired and not feeling all that social. Work went pretty well today. Now that I know I'm going to be in the same area for the next month, I've gone at it with the strategy: FIND a PLAN to get your stuff done quickly, but of course still accurate. Today I made a few changes and found myself ahead in the game and out of there at 4:30. Still a half an hour later than my true shift, but I don't mind. What is a half hour when you've already been there for 8 hours? :-)
I think my corner is all about how things are left at the end of the tomorrow might not got as smoothly, but at least now I have a month to work it all out. By the end of the month, maybe I'll get to be a speedy little bullet.
I'm wondering if I'm starting to feel the baby move! They say you can start to feel little movements around the 3rd-4th month, and I'm right in the 3rd now. Soooo...I mean, they say it's like a tiny little butterfly or a goldfish swimming around. Just a little tickle, and I was just sitting here typing about work and all of a sudden, I felt this little goldfish feeling, only it was kind of slow and not like ZIIiiiiiip! Or anything like that, so I don't know! They say 2nd time mothers usually pick it up sooner, so it may or may not be.
I am super excited because tomorrow is my 2nd doctor's appointment! I don't even have to go into work in the morning because the appt. is at 9:30. As far as I know, they are going to listen for a heartbeat. After that, I'm not really sure what they will do. I am really REALLY hoping for another ultrasound, because a month ago, the baby was only 8 weeks, so we just had little arm buds and stuff, but now we have fingers and toes and ears and I just wish the doctor could zoom in and print me off another picture!
Other than that, not much else has been going on around here. We've been getting a lot of rain, oh, and guess what? Our roof is leaking. Did you move back to your farmhouse, Melissa????
I WISH! I WISH! oh, I can't type it big enough! I MISS MY HOUSE SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I despise this house and I dread coming home from work sometimes! The only thing I like about it is that John lives here, too.

Oh dear little Home, I miss you so much! :( It was a BIG mistake to sell you! i miss our yard and our trees and the snow that will cover the branches. I miss the chickens and yes, even the rooster, and I miss my old bedroom with its shield bugs and our lights with the strings and my uneven kitchen and the worn wood floors, the age old windows

I could go on and on. Every now and again, we ride by the house and see the dumpsters and the new roof and we are so sad but yet happy because we do know that some day we will have a farmhouse again, or at least live far far away from this place!

I miss every bit, every feel, every haunting lurk from the walls and floors and ground and nail..........we were a part of it all, and now we are just a part of its past.
This house is so terrible. It leaks and no one will even come to fix it. :( Let me just say one thing and everyone listen:
NEW doesn't mean BETTER. HARDSHIP doesn't mean UNHAPPINESS. Never think about only YOURSELF. HOUSES can have FEELINGS. OLD is BUILT TO LAST and there will never be anything in quality that can match what used to be:

"I am a 103 year-old bedroom"

Someday. I get wiser as each year passes. Four years ago, I lived in an apartment with my new husband and we would laugh and gag as we ran through the hallway, smelling our neighbor's hamburger helper. We would laugh as we swore loudly enough to know that the neighbors could hear, or that our music was funny or that our first couple weeks of marriage, we didn't have any furniture, so we would eat or dinners on our laps as we sat against the wall, looking toward the kitchen doorway, or how we shared the same shower every morning, laughing and flirting and didn't even care that our shower was right next the the wall that separated our apartment from the hallway...and that everyone probably heard our every thought...
...and then I got a job I thought would last me a lifetime (that I dreaded would last me a lifetime) and we bought a house that we knew we'd fix up and have kids in and build this utopian farm...but then jobs were lost and money was funneling by us like a tornado on the prairie...and I made it out to be terrible, but it was really some of the best times of my life!

I'm sure (I KNOW!!!!!!!!) there will be many MANY more best times of my life, but I can't help but miss this old farmhouse that was once mine and come to terms with the fact that something that had seemed so permanant, is just yet another "apartment" in my life...growing up is tough, sometimes.
day off
a little tummy, a sleepy me
today we set up our stereo
Today, as I was driving home, I thought about Christmas Lights and darkened skies and headphones playing my favorite music. Most of all, me laying there, enjoying it all. Relaxation.
If there's one thing I miss about high school and living at home, it's being able to sink away into your ROOM...(grown ups really don't have ROOMS anymore...they have houses. So it's almost like a whole secret cove has been taken away from us, even though we don't really think about it in that way).
I can remember going to bed before 10:00 on a school night, my room dark with a hint of moonlight, my parents sound asleep or clicking away on the computer in the next room. Sometimes, if the season was right, I would have red Christmas lights surrounding my bookshelf, and I would leave them on as I did sit-ups in many different variations, 20 times each, my headphones playing Five Iron Frenzy or Weezer, my heart racing with thoughts of the week.
And as I drove home, I wished it was dark outside and that I could lay on a bed that was made with a stereo on a trunk and just lay there and think of any other day
other than a day spent at work. And then I realized that my days will be of work and how unfortunate that I was so miserable WITHOUT it
and semi-miserable WITH IT,
but yet, so many good things are being a mom and new conversations with my best friend
and just being able to see the sun shine through the leaves and branches of those ever familiar birch trees.
haven't been here in awhile
Nag Champa. What would I do without it? It is a girl's best friend (when the smell of their own house attacks their every breathe, causing her to fall to her feet and sleep and moan because a certain stomach wouldn't stop swishing about. But ever since we picked up Nag Champa incense, I've been standing tall and bringing the air to ME, like the ring master on Dumbo.
For some reason, his big chest and stuff just fit the image I was going for.
Other than that, I've just been working a lot (I have to work this entire weekend!) :(, seeing and hearing GREAT LIVE MUSIC, and going 'round. My mom picked up adorable things for the baby (Sesame Street gear, like a stroller, high chair, swing, bouncer, you name it!) We are all so excited.
Names topping the list:
I have a couple books of names; we're going to have to sit down and pick out some more, just for fun!
We're going to THE BIG CITY now, for fun (I got the day off, since I HAVE TO WORK THIS ENTIRE WEEKEND!)
Oooh, my doctor's appt. is on the 27th, and it is NOT coming along fast enough!
Here we are at River Rock again, but they are all about to up and close. Then it's off to the grocery store. Needless to say, I can't write very much. Well, I can write a lot, but it just can't be long. The trip to my parents was EXCELLENT! I love seeing them, and their house did not make me sick at all! :) I was really sleepy, but I took naps and ate well and didn't throw up once. But, of course, as soon as we got home, I was ill and throwing up the next day. There is something in the house that just doesn't tickle my nose's fancy.
John's dad even came over to see what was going on, but they couldn't sniff anything out, although they did sniff something, it was just inconclusive. So we opened up the windows and had a fan blow some of the bad air out.
The other things going on is that our house is leaking! Ohhh...we are so mad about it! It rained like cats and dogs this morning, and John found that the basement was leaking and THEN we were sitting in the study this evening and found all sorts of wet spots on the ceiling. We just want to the get the heck out of that house!
I suppose I should carry on and let John check something before they close. Oh the dorky little boy just told us to get out. All is well, and I am really counting down the days til my next doctor visit! I want to see what's going on with my little one! (my belly button is looking different already - I just noticed it today!!!)
I have to be VERY quick here. I spent 1/2 of my 15 minute breakfast-time throwing up, so, now I must hurry and eat and type!
Let's just say, some scary things happened at work, which made me rather upset, but now I have it under control (bad chemicals for baby).
I promise I will write more later. First, some fast details on my Dr.'s visit!
I got an ultrasound! John was in there with me, and the doctor found the baby! He was able to measure him/her, and found that I am 8 weeks along! Tuesday will make it 9!
We saw the little baby and even got to see its heart beating. It was a feeling like no other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We even got a picture! I really have to go - I just wanted to say that everything is OK, and I'm still excited but sick but happier than ever! And today we leave to visit my parents!!